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What are the benefits of Hypnobirthing?

You are more likely to experience a more comfortable birth with less pain


Fewer drugs and interventions are typically used in hypnobirthing births allowing a more natural entrance to the world for your baby


Hypnobirthing births typically have less of a physical impact and thus a shorter recovery time 


Your birth partner will learn how best to support you and play an active role in the birth. Bonding with baby can begin from bump. 

What will I learn? 

  • Deep relaxation

  • Breathing techniques

  • Fear release and confidence building

  • Massage techniques

  • How best to work with 'the system' to achieve the birth you want

  • Understanding the mind-body connection

  • Understanding the physiology of labour - how your body is designed to give birth and how best to support it 

  • How your birth partner can be your biggest advocate 

Book an initial call

Contact me to book a free 1/2 hour call to discuss your needs and see if I may be able to help you

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